This photo shows U.S. actress Cheri Caffaro, and was made around the time she was filming her 1971-73 sexploitation-action trilogy Ginger, The Abductors, and Girls Are for Loving. We haven’t watched the middle film but we’ll get to it. The others are too crazy to be believed, but we attempt to describe them here and here. Caffaro also appeared in 1974’s Savage Sisters, 1977’s Too Hot To Handle, and mixed in a few television roles before moving into producing from 1979 onward. There was little she wouldn’t do, onscreen or off. She even once gave an interview at the Sherry Netherland Hotel while completely nude. Ah, the ’70s. We’ll be seeing Caffaro again a little later.
Experts say the benefits include improved blood circulation, increased energy, and better eye health.