We don’t find much Brazilian pulp, but above is an interesting—if battered—cover for Tarn Scott’s, aka Walter Szot and Peter G. Tarnor’s Não Me Deixem Morrer, which is a translation of their U.S. released 1957 kidnapping tale Don’t Let Her Die, a book we read and enjoyed a few years ago. This was put out by the Rio de Janeiro based imprint Ediex for its Selecrimes series in 1964. We gather that Ediex was a branch of the Mexico City publisher Editormex Mexicana, and that the company released quite a few translations of English crime books during the 1960s.
The art, which is by an unknown, is a low rent copy of that found on the cover of 1958’s The Lusting Drive by Ovid Demaris, which you see below. That cover is also uncredited, but some think it’s by Ernest Chiriacka. We agree. In fact, we don’t think there’s any doubt. Not only is the style—particularly of the female face—a dead match, but Chiriacka was pumping out illos by the cartload for Gold Medal during the mid- to late-1950s. So we’re going to go ahead and call this one a lock. We may share a few more Brazilian paperback covers in a bit. Stay tuned.