We got our vaccinations today, and in commemoration we have a collection of paperback covers featuring syringes. These should be considered a supplement to the larger collection of needles we put together in 2013. The process of vaccination was surprisingly efficient. The health pros were going thorough people at a rate of about one per minute. There’s been no controversy here. No talk about refusing. Vaccinations are considered the right and sensible thing to do. We’ve had some shots before in our lives and mostly didn’t feel them. This one felt exactly someone stabbing you in the arm with a long, sharp object.
During the last year-plus about ten friends got sick and recovered, and a couple of friends died, one in Guatemala and one in the U.S. But we can’t complain about how the period has gone for us. We have plenty of space, an ocean view, mellow girlfriends, and we work online. Having all of that makes us reflect upon how difficult it’s been for so many others. Early last year we threw a birthday party for PSGP. That party turned out to be the last get together between our social group, the last hurrah. Well, when it seems safe we’re having a first hurrah. And we’ll toast to our lost friends. Let’s hope all these vaccinations work. More needles below.