First matter—we met a couple of nice women at the gintoneria in one of our local plazas last night and said we’d mention them today as a way of proving that we were telling the truth about being the makers of this website. So hello, friends, and sorry about all the nudity you’ll find here. Hah—well, not really. Anyway, last year we read Amos Hatter’s (James W. Lampp’s) unusual 1952 titillation novel Island Girl, and since we’re repeat offenders when it comes to authors who intrigue us, we picked up another Hatter—1951’s Backstage Affair. It’s about a dancer and singer named Mitzi West who’s trying earn her first big show business break, but is stuck in St. Louis finding it exceedingly difficult not to become a prostitute to support herself. By now you know the formula with these tales, so we don’t need to explain the plot in more detail. It isn’t as good as Island Girl, but it’s enjoyable enough, and it came with Rudy Nappi cover art—signed by both him and a former owner of the book named Lahoma Hustich. Love your name, Lahoma.