The incomparable Stella Stevens takes a bath in a 55-gallon drum while on location in Mexico for the 1966 thriller Rage. The movie is about a man (Glenn Ford) who contracts rabies, and owing to its desert setting Stevens spends a lot of time looking sweaty—which is where this moment might come in, though it’s also possible it’s a pure promo shot with no corresponding scene in the film. The photo is often mistaken as coming from 1970’s The Ballad of Cable Hogue, a movie in which Stevens also bathes outdoors. But she’s in a large wooden cask in that one. We have a couple of other excellent Stevens promo images for you here and here.
Edit: We got a quick and short e-mail from our friend Herman: “It’s in the movie.” And he sent the below screenshot. So there you have it. Stella gets wet, and that’s always a good thing.