Pulp is a place where the men are decisive and the women are as light as feathers. We’ve gotten together a collection of paperback covers featuring women being spirited away to places unknown, usually unconscious, by men and things that are less than men. You have art from Harry Schaare, Saul Levine, Harry Barton, Alain Gourdon, aka Aslan, and others.
For better or worse, in sickness and health, women in pulp don’t have a heck of a lot of choice about it.
Jack Woodford, John B. Thompson, Bernard Mara, K.H. Helms Liesenhoff, Bruno Fischer, Verne Chute, Jean de la Hire, Robert O. Saber, Brett Halliday, Robert Martin, John Dickson Carr, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Clyde Allison, Charlotte Armstrong, Victor Hugo, Marcus Miller, Jean Ford, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Richard S. Prather, Saul Levine, Harry Schaare, Keith Vining, S.H. Courtier, Hugh Clevely, Stuart Sterling, Alan Marshall, John Dexter, Barry Perowne, Edgar Wallace, Walker A. Tomkins, Jack Williamson, Norman Saunders, George Gross, Harry Barton, Alain Gourdon, Aslan, cover art, literature, cover collection