A while back we moved Jonathan Latimer from the decent bin to the mandatory bin off the back of his crazy thriller Solomon’s Vineyard. We’re returning him to the decent bin. The Dead Don’t Care is an okay book, but not top notch. Latimer wrote it in 1938, and it was the fourth entry in a detective franchise starring a boozy dick named Bill Crane, and an equally boozy sidekick named Thomas O’Malley. The two engage in such shenanigans as ordering double-triple bourbons and generally pickling their livers at every opportunity—which we totally respect‚ but the actual mystery, divorced from its comedic elements, is overly talky and populated by characters that tend to blend after a while.
Basically, Crane and O’Malley are called in when an upper crust woman is kidnapped, and someone is murdered. As usual in such books, the first murder isn’t the last, and the second killing provides key clues to finally unmasking the eventual culprit. In all, it was meh. But it did well enough to spawn a film adaptation, 1938’s The Last Warning, which we may watch at some point. We’re in no way discouraged by The Dead Don’t Care. We already know Latimer can write. But it isn’t surprising he’d run into problems four entries into a series that would peter out after one more outing. We’ll move on to his other books and do so eagerly. This MacFadden-Bartell paperback came in 1964, and the cover art is by Robert Schulz.