Narrated from the deck of a boat floating on the crystalline Caribbean, The Root of His Evil is the tale of a money-hungry femme fatale who rises from greasy spoon waitress to NYC union organizer to wealthy woman, all by age twenty-four. James M. Cain originally wrote this tale way back in 1938 as “The Modern Cinderella,” and immediately sold it to Hollywood, where it spawned the 1939 movie When Tomorrow Comes. He ended up suing for copyright infringement when the filmmakers borrowed a scene from another of his novels without paying for it. You can read details of that incident here if you’re inclined. Some Cain fans love The Root of His Evil. The more prevalent opinion is that it isn’t among his best. We’ll say this much—there’s no focus on crime here, just on questionable deeds. But we like the cover of this Avon paperback. It’s less sophisticated than some good girl art, but strikes the right tone. It appeared in 1952 and is uncredited.
Nothing a little dying won't fix.