This beautiful cover was painted for Éditions le Trotteur’s popular collection Espions et Agents Secrets by Nik, aka Jacques Thibésart, and illustrates Yannick Williams’, aka Jacques-Henri Juillet’s 1953 thriller Mademoiselle “Chauve Souris”, aka Miss “Bat”. That’s a lot of aka’s, and here comes one more. In French souris means “mouse,” chauve means bald, and the two words together mean “bat”—literally “bald mouse.” French paperback titles can get a little slangy, though. Souris by itself—a mouse—is also a word for a pretty woman. So there could be another aka happening here in the form of a pun. We don’t know. Jo, where are you? We need you on this one.
Oh, and there’s one more thing, also aka related. Thibésart has an unusual signature—not visible on this cover but viewable here—in which the “N” could be read as a stylized “M.” Just lately, online experts are beginning to wonder if his signature should be read “Mik” instead of “Nik.” Thibésart is still around, but in classic French fashion refuses to discuss any of this despite several queries being floated his way. So for now we’ll stick with Nik. Also, we don’t want to change all our previous posts on this guy. We will update later if needed.
Update: it was needed.