Above is a poster we’re reasonably sure you won’t see anywhere else. It was made to promote a movie called 愛憎のからみ. The film never had a western release, but if it had it would have been called something like A Love Hate Relationship. It was from Aoi Film, another company that delved into softcore pink cinema during the 1960s and 1970s, and this one was directed by Taskashi Chiba and starred Yuri Izumi, who during a career encompassing dozens of screen credits would go on to become one of Japan’s bondage queens. This is obviously a pretty obscure movie, since we can’t come up with its rÅmaji or romanized title. We also can’t pinpoint its exact premiere date. But we know it appeared sometime this month in 1972. Below we’ve included some detail from the poster, and just for the fun of it we also have one of Izumi’s many provocative bondage shots.
There's a thin line between love and hate.