Intl. Notebook May 26 2024
Pulp Intl. heads back to the scene of the crime.

We're taking a short break to revisit Marrakech. The lovely PI-1 is going this time, which after what happened previously is a miracle. When we say “what happened,” we mean it to be plural, because a lot of things happened, as it always does when we travel. There was the wizard who saved us when we were lost at 4 am in the impossible maze of the Marrakech medina. There was the cinematically decadent all night party with gin tonics and showgirls. There was the theft of our cash by immigration officials outside Ceuta. But it was the knife incident in particular that—what's the word we want to use here?—prejudiced PI-1. We felt that Morocco was fine in terms of physical safety, but you can't help running into gangsters here and there. Random chance. So PI-1 is a bit scared of Morocco. But the opportunity to buy handmade furniture, accessories, and a rug or two for the new house seems to have conquered that fear. Back in five days or so. We shot the above photo during our last visit to the Red City. Below are a couple more.

Intl. Notebook Mar 8 2024
Pulp Intl. and friends abroad. What's the worst that can happen?

It's intermission time. Yes, we just took a break, but it was unplanned due to our move and its many associated delays. The upcoming intermission has been planned for a while. We're going to stage a triple birthday celebration in Lisbon with some of our favorite globetrotters. The Pulp. Intl. girlfriends are coming too, but are bailing on day four. They say they want us to have boy time, but the truth is four days with this crowd is all they can endure.

Mixed into the days and nights (of sedate museum visits and early bedtimes, we swear, girls) will be serious pulp digging. We have no idea whether Portugal has such items, but we'll only learn the answer by looking. Hopefully we'll make it back home intact by March 16. That's the plan, anyway. But you know what they say about plans. To tide you over until our glorious return, let us direct you to some Pulp Intl. favorites.
A small collection of paperback covers by George Gross.
Fifteen covers of the pulp magazine Short Stories.
Modern pulp art by the amazing Owen Smith.
All our issues of the French art deco style magazine Paris Plaisirs.
All our issues of the Australian men's adventure magazine Adam.
Misty Ayers does her daily lingerie workout then cooks a meal.
The paperback cover art of Bill Edwards.
A look at historic cinemas from around world.
Beautiful covers from the Italian publishers Edizioni MA-GA.
All our write-ups on sexploitation queen Laura Gemser.

And finally, below you'll find our inexhaustible tabloid index, which used to reside somewhere in 2018, but which we've moved in case anyone wants to check out all the scandal sheets we've written about.

Intl. Notebook Feb 13 2024
If it ever actually happens it'll be a momentous occasion.

As we mentioned not long ago, we bought a house, which you see the front entrance of above. We've been doing some renovations, but even small changes can be a challenge here. We were told our floors were finished when they really weren't, and didn't discover the problem until we showed up from Cadiz with a truck carrying possessions we didn't want to leave in the hands of movers (art, computers, personal items, and our rarest pulp). At that point we were caught between residences and that state of affairs has lasted for more than two months.

Today, at last, is the day our furniture and other major items arrive and we become whole again and stop working with our computers on cardboard boxes and get to sleep somewhere other than on the floor. We're taking a short intermission to get things into proper order. Until then, as always when we take a break, we recommend that you have a wander around the site. If you've never been here before, we'll just tell you it's vast and interesting. Our friend and associate Angela the Sunbear will point you toward a few fun examples. Back soon.
Bye, guys! See you soon! Always happy to help. Yessiree! Love being a good example for bearkind....

Are they gone yet? Good. They're nice, those Pulp guys, but they're a little oblivious too. I'm not going to show you any fun examples of what they write. I'm going to show you one and I want it fucking removed from the site. It's here.


Intl. Notebook Jun 1 2023
Recent transmissions from overseas indicate that our headquarters is about to be invaded.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled pulp. Once again, as summer starts to kick into gear, we've had visitors coming to Spain—one set is already here, and another pair show up Saturday. This is all according to our long term plan. It's why we have two spare bedrooms. We wrote material to cover about half of the upcoming days, and you've already seen that, including the cover set below, but we're taking a break for the remaining six days, starting now. We have big plans, and they'll eat up too much time for us to focus on the website. But as always we shall return, reinvigorated and re-inspired. Meantime check out some Pulp Intl. classics here, here, here, here, here, and here


Intl. Notebook Mar 3 2023
It's way past time for another trip to one of our favorite towns.

We have a birthday approaching, and as usual we like to celebrate those out of town, so above is an intermission card we made as a placeholder while we fly up north to San Sebastián for a week to eat some food, drink some drinks, connect with some friends, and generally indulge ourselves. There will be a quick foray to France involved as well, and you know what that means—possible pulp purchases. As always, if you're new to the website, try to make the time for a look around. We'll be back in a week, hopefully with new treasures to share.


Intl. Notebook Aug 2 2022
It's time to let the south of Spain weave its spell.

Hello, Pulp Intl. visitors. We've scanned and uploaded so much recently, you had to know an intermission was coming, right? We have some friends over from the U.S., so we're going to leave our base of Cadiz, have a wander, and show them a few amazing sights. This will actually be the sixth time we've gone wandering this year, but our first website hiatus. We know the province pretty well now, and there's plenty for our friends to see. Roman ruins? Pristine beaches? The best bars in Spain? Let's go with all of the above. There are even some vintage bookstores scattered around, and we've picked up a few pulp items but not shared them yet. We'll get to that. Regarding our break, since there's plenty of recent content we won't bother with our usual links to old posts. Okay, maybe a few. Check out this, this, this, and this. Or just have a scroll. Our intervalo will be finished within a week or so. 


Intl. Notebook Oct 16 2021
Rolling on down the highways.

We know. We just had an intermission. Well, a friend has flown in all the way from the U.S., so we're going to take a little drive around the region surrounding our new home, stopping in three towns and two countries, then circle back here. As always the first question is: will there be pulp where we're going? We think there may be. We're hopeful. Second question: is there potential for serious trouble? Hey, not just anyone can be threatened with murder by five guys in the Marrakech medina, so we're hopeful on that front too. Barring true catastrophe, we'll be back in five or six days. 


Intl. Notebook Sep 2 2021
We hear Tarifa is terrific this time of year.

Hello. And goodbye—but only briefly. We're taking a little break, heading to a place called Tarifa. It's not far, but after pondering ambitious ideas about going to Italy, Croatia, and Malta, we decided a short trip was best to get back into the swing of travel for pleasure. It's been a couple of years (the move doesn't count—that was back breaking, shin barking work). We don't know much about Tarifa, just that a few friends like it. Will there be pulp there? Only the kind that comes in a mimosa, we're betting, but you never know.
As we've noted before, Spain is one of the countries that actually did generate a fair amount of pulp style art, and it's also a country where you occasionally stumble upon a used book store that has a lot of old crime novels. About the time the pulp craze was in full swing, Tarifa looked like what you see in the photo below. Even if there's no pulp to befound there these days, and despite it modernizing a bit from its quaint form of yesteryear, we expect to have (careful, socially distanced) fun. We'll be back in four or five days. As usual we're linking to a few posts for your enjoyment, and this time, for a change, they're all books.

A picnic with a special treat.

The shortest car trip ever.

The unparallelled work of Giovanni Benvenuti: here and here.

It's true, we like to make fun of sorority girls, as evidenced here, here, and here. Fraternity boys are also favorite targets, as we show here, here, and here.

A match made in pulp heaven: Robert McGinnis and Carter Brown.

In pulp, trouble is always just around the corner, as seen here, here, here, here, and here.

Here's a bit of encouragement for job seekers.

And here are thoughts about cowboy fashion, what a real cowboy drinks, what a real cowboy eats, what's a noble ending for a cowboy, whether a cowboy really needs a horse, and whether higher education makes him less of a real cowboy, or more.

Everybody sing along—you know the words.

Kozy books kome back from obscurity.

Knock down drag out fighting in mid-century art.

Marriage can be tough. Very tough. Even advanced beings sometimes have woman trouble.

A few fun French covers, here, here, here, and here.
And finally, proof here and here that the female of the species can be more deadly than the male.

Intl. Notebook Aug 26 2020
We're on top of the world and the view is fine.

We're back online. Did you ever doubt us? Truth is, this was not a seamless move. Problems cropped up in almost every area. Internet acquisition was very tough. Our workloads (again, we actually do have jobs) have piled up to dangerous levels. Travel problems linger, which is to say we haven't yet determined how to get the indispensable Pulp Intl. girlfriends here. And don't even bring up the health thing—one of us caught something before leaving, but had a negative virus test just days before traveling. Whatever that thing is has not gone away fully, so hopefully there aren't a lot of false negatives with these nasal swabs they give you. We'll work it all out somehow. Advice: don't move during a pandemic, and especially don't do it during a dangerous surge in virus cases. But we had to. Just look at our new view. That's worth any amount of discomfort and inconvenience.


Intl. Notebook Aug 17 2020
Pulp Intl. takes a long day's journey into the night of Spain.

It's intermission time. But wait—didn't we just have an intermission? Indeed we did, but this next one can't be avoided, because we're moving. We mean physically, not online. This is going to be a long, tricky journey that delivers us to our new home—Cádiz, Spain, which you see above, and below, night and day. Once we arrive there we'll have to contend with getting internet set up. The provider (who we've only spoken to by phone) has been comically overconfident, but we're experienced in these matters, and we know—even if they don't—that they'll botch it somehow or other.

We're looking forward to this move. Cadiz is an intimate, active place, with an excellent nightlife and a world famous carnival, which we hope to enjoy if the killer virus is somehow vanquished. But even if that takes a long time or forever, Cadiz is still a nice city to walk around in, a visually inspiring place with numerous old buildings, a maze of streets, and at least a hundred outdoor terrace bars. This outdoor lifestyle is what attracted us—if the virus lingers and we can never go indoors again, we'll still be in good shape.

We know what you're thinking. Isn't undertaking a major move during a pandemic imprudent? Well, we're impulsive like that, and hope to pull it off without contracting anything. Assuming all goes according to plan, we'll be back online with new inspiration, new material, and—crucially—a new scanner to help us get back into the swing of posting old tabloids. Figure seven to ten days, end-to-end. Wish us luck. Meantime, we have some fun posts to help build the anticipation for our glorious return. Look below the photo.
Assorted covers of Luchadores de Espacio.
Desperate embraces on vintage book covers.
Our amazingly extensive tabloid index.
Voyeuristic paperback cover art.
Everything we've ever posted about Japanese pinku icon Reiko Ike (warning: nakedness).
A whole lotta love from the vintage French nudie mag Folies de Paris et de Hollywood (warning: nakedness).
Everything we've ever posted related to sci-fi (warning: nakedness—just kidding).
Femmes fatales in red.
Have suitcase, will travel.
Some of the most beautiful magazine covers we've ever seen.
Film noir, in all its variations.
Laura Gemser, in all her glory.
The unique art of French illustrator Jef de Wulf.

Next Page
History Rewind
The headlines that mattered yesteryear.
July 26
1945—Churchill Given the Sack
In spite of admiring Winston Churchill as a great wartime leader, Britons elect Clement Attlee the nation's new prime minister in a sweeping victory for the Labour Party over the Conservatives.
1952—Evita Peron Dies
Eva Duarte de Peron, aka Evita, wife of the president of the Argentine Republic, dies from cancer at age 33. Evita had brought the working classes into a position of political power never witnessed before, but was hated by the nation's powerful military class. She is lain to rest in Milan, Italy in a secret grave under a nun's name, but is eventually returned to Argentina for reburial beside her husband in 1974.
July 25
1943—Mussolini Calls It Quits
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini steps down as head of the armed forces and the government. It soon becomes clear that Il Duce did not relinquish power voluntarily, but was forced to resign after former Fascist colleagues turned against him. He is later installed by Germany as leader of the Italian Social Republic in the north of the country, but is killed by partisans in 1945.
July 24
1915—Ship Capsizes on Lake Michigan
During an outing arranged by Western Electric Co. for its employees and their families, the passenger ship Eastland capsizes in Lake Michigan due to unequal weight distribution. 844 people die, including all the members of 22 different families.
1980—Peter Sellers Dies
British movie star Peter Sellers, whose roles in Dr. Strangelove, Being There and the Pink Panther films established him as the greatest comedic actor of his generation, dies of a heart attack at age fifty-four.
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